Finding Meanings in Ted Hughes' “Thrushes” Through Śabdaśaktyudbhava and Arthaśaktyudbhava Dhvani
Śabdaśaktyudbhava, Arthaśaktyudbhava, Ted Hughes, ThrushesAbstract
The article tries to get the deeper and fuller meaning of the poem “Thrushes” written by the English poet Ted Hughes by culling out layers of meanings with the application of the Sanskrit concepts śabdaśaktyudbhava and arthaśaktyudbhava. The poem contrasts the tiny bird thrush with human beings and points out the disparity in their qualities. Śabdaśakti with its power to find meanings in words through figures of speech, lexical relations and semantic features, and arthaśakti by suggesting more layers of implicatures in meanings have guided the analysis in this article. Thus a single word takes a sahṛdaya to deeper and inner meanings unseen at the surface level. Hughes has used powerful words to convey his idea and these words are dissected to find suggestions using śabdaśaktyudbhava and arthaśaktyudbhava.
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