Social and Emotional Wellbeing through Creative Intelligence as Found in Medha Sukta


  • Sunita Wadhavan Anthony Freeman, Creativity, Mind and Brain, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 8, No, 4, 2001.
  • Prof.Madhusudan Penna


The "Medha Sukta" which appears in the Taittiriya Aranyaka (IV.10.41- 44) is a very significant hymn from many angles. The Sukta (meaning "Well composed & said") or the hymn is composed in praise (or as a "Prayer") to the (divine concept or) Goddess "Medha" (which is a form of a wider divine concept called "Sarasvati"). This deity (Sarasvati) is recognized (or conceptualized in Vedic literature) as one of the "Divine Powers" intimately related with the acquisition, memorization and preservation of "knowledge" and sharpening and quick- efficient utilization of "Intelligence". (The other main deities related with learning and knowledge are Ganesha and Dattatreya).

All these Vedic deities are emphatically described to be present a) within ourselves as well as b) in the Universe. Their presence "within" ourselves has the bio-medical significance (related with our consciousness and the facets of our core personality called as the "Atman" or Jivatman or "Brahma" mentioned in the statement "Aham brahmasmi").

This paper tries to relate the statements made in "Medha_Sukta" with the biomedical facet of a typical "Human personality" and brain neuron structure & intellectual activity. The word "Medha" has several meanings in different contexts and they denote a form of intelligence, creativity, pure enjoyment and supreme consciousness, etc. This "Sukta" indirectly (& poetically) describes (or defines) that "angle" (or part or variety) of intelligence, (or intellectual activity residing in our personality) which can be classified as "Medha". In this "Sukta" prayer is offered to goddess Sarasvati to bestow on the people, traits such as intelligence and creativity etc. in association with) Lord Indra, the King of the divine entities b) Gandharvas, (the divine entertainment artists) and c) the divine philosophical Sun, (which has some characteristics which are Similar to the "Sunstar" which is the prime source of energy on earth and therefore it's apparent movements in the sky are responsible for all the "natural rhythms" (like seasons, and plant life cycles etc.) on Earth.

In this paper, the authors discuss the above dimensions (in the Vedic Sukta) and also make a comparison of the structure and development of memory, intelligence and creativity in typical human brain (from modern (angles) and thus it’s possible impact on modern civilization’s "Learning- Methodology" if it is fully "deciphered, understood and implemented" appropriately. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.


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How to Cite

Wadhavan, S., & Prof.Madhusudan Penna. (2021). Social and Emotional Wellbeing through Creative Intelligence as Found in Medha Sukta. Shodhasamhita, 8(2), 87–101. Retrieved from



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