Śūdraka’s <i>Mrichchhakatika</i>: A Representation of Society and Human Relationships


  • Md. Manirul Islam Assistant Professor of English, Maharaja Nandakumar Mahavidyalaya, Nandakumar, Purba Medinipur (West Bengal)


Sanskrit drama, <i>Nāṭya Śāstra</i>, social issues, poverty, <i>prakarana</>


Śūdraka‟s famous play Mrichchhakatika is a creation of the playwright‟s own imagination and observations of the society of his time. In this particular play Śūdraka has portrayed the multifarious aspects of the society of his time and has thrown light on different facets of human relationships using his sense of realism and imaginative faculty. Śūdraka‟s talent as an efficient Sanskrit dramatist of India has been displayed in every page of the text of Mrichchhakatika. Though he has borrowed from an existing play of Bhāsa, this play of Śūdraka has a universal appeal to the readers and the spectators. In this paper an attempt has been made to show the unique and efficient skills of Śūdraka in representing the society of his time and varied human relationships.


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How to Cite

Islam, M. M. (2022). Śūdraka’s <i>Mrichchhakatika</i>: A Representation of Society and Human Relationships. Shodhasamhita, 9(2), 171–178. Retrieved from https://kksushodhasamhita.org/index.php/sdsa/article/view/21



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